Summary and Analysis

Laura Carter: Brief TWO.

My documentaries investigate the positives of having dyslexia and show that it is not a disability it’s just a different way of learning and thinking. This will be an experimental short film, with a narrative voiceover that highlights the personal issues that we face while having this disability. The film will be in 2D animation with a mixture of digital with an experimental approach by using different materials and tools to show the texture on screen.

For the first mode, I would like to use the Expository mode. This will help my subject be the main focus of the film. By showing the illustrations and materials that support and explore the subject but will not follow the text. I will cut the audio only to have a few sentences in the background.

My second mode will be observational, and this will help bring the characters (images), and the atmosphere looks realistic and also explore different camera angles with different methods and style of animation.


The Son and the Moon


A is for Autism


The Son and the Moon by John Cannizzaro canemater

I was interested and inspired by the art style and animation of this film. The artist used bright colours to represent the different moods of the scene which work well with the dialogue. I find it very amusing how the artist used different tools to show the texture of the colouring of the drawings. The mode that is used is Expsoty and Participatory. The animation supports the subject it is talking about and helps you see the relationship between father and son and the family issues they had when they were growing up. However, I felt this was not an experimental film but a literal one. The artist used much imagination when following the text to keep it entertaining.

This also gives out a powerful message somewhat a happy ending for the son. He got away from his family traumas and moved away and become an animator and he said he could control that, but he did not want to be controlled by his father anymore.

Ping pongs by George Gendi

The one thing I loved about this film was that it was not staged, the filmmaker is hidden behind the recorder while listening to the older couple having a natural conversation with each other. This film helps me understand the mode of observational. The art style is immaculate and adequate; it helps us focus and understand more of what the characters are talking about than actual animation. Even doe the scenes are quite empty there is still quite a lot of interaction.
The animation is simple, but it brings humour, the characters lip-sync and the facel movements and texture that is natural on screen.

A is for Autism by Tim webb

A is for Autism is the performative mode, it shows that the filmmaker as a participant but its an opposite of the observation mode. There were a lot of exciting transitions to the children drawings there was much busyness on screen I count keep my eyes off it. This method of animation rea; y support it subject and help us as audiences to understand the issues and thoughts of what is going on in children and adults.

Mixing montage with lightbox animation works very well and has given me lots of ideas on how I can use this style to represent my issue. The style of the film helps us see the innocents and friendly atmosphere coming to life on screen during it is addressing the significant issues of having autism.

Research: dyslexia

Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disability. Many people who have dyslexia have strong visual, creative and problem-solving skills. It is not linked to intelligence, but it can makes be learning difficult.

What is Dyslexia?

With my documenty projects, I want to explore the fact that dyslexia is nothing to be ashamed about. And that there are a lot of positives to being dyslexia and show that it’s not a disability its just a different way of learning.

“Dyslexia is not a disability its a gift. It means i, and many other dyslexic thinkers can portray the world through images because we think in images”.

Dyslexia is a Learning Difference, not a Learning Disability

By doing this research, I have come up with a few ideas for the first two animatics. I also found some interesting facts about dyslexia that I never knew about.