I created a lightbox animation to design a character moving to a synchronised to the voiceover the track I was given. My character had to deliver the lines while performing.

I really thought I’ll be good with lightbox animation but I feel I need more guidance as I struggled to do the adobe sheet for this piece work, I feel that my dyslexia is the issue here. I seem to have trouble with the timing of each frame and witch part to draw the mouth sync. To help me I worked with 12 frames per sec then 25. I really want to fix this problem as I want to be procced 2D animation as the future career.

Feedback 4th May 2018

I was very surprised to get some positive feedback on this piece of work as I felt it wasn’t my best piece and I had a lot of issue with it.

The sync it slightly out of place but not too much, the gaps between vocals need more work as the some of the words are longer to say.

The mouth sync is too heavy.

But the performances are there and doing too much is better than doing less because you can work on it. There’s a lot of busyness happening with the hands and arms.