Film5 Presentation

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My aim for this project was to create an experimental excise.
Help gain new knowledge and style to use for my upcoming graduation film.

I wanted to present a subject matter and represent it stylistically. The topic was Cats & Mental Health, and I wanted to show the audiences how these creatures are a calming influence on pet owners. By exploring different elements of stylistic drawings.


Films and artwork that inspired me.

RCA Student: Magda Kreps

Charlotte Ager

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Challenges on your filmmaking?

  1. Timekeeping! Over two months, I was undertaking other projects, such as working with two other filmmakers at NFTS. A risk because I had to multitask three-four creative jobs during the production period. I made sure that I was concentrating and keeping up with my project despite how busy I was assisting at the other studio.
  2. Using abstract with animation to show an atmosphere without using dialogue; it was simple and worked well with the subject matter I was presenting in the film. The other challenge I gain was using Track Masks in After effects this technique helps my drawings shine and look impressive.

The biggest surprise in developing and making this film?

  • Working well with my collaborator, Ben Huges, A commercial Music Performance. When I pitch my idea he knew exactly what I wanted.
  • I got the right reaction from the audience while they watched the film.

Feedback 28/11/19

Feedback Tutorial with Julie

my tutorial with Julie went very well, I’m on the right track, and everything is going well, need to make a few changes to improve and polish.
I need to add scenes to show more of the downlist and use more of the distil shots and make them attractive.

Add 3-4 more beautiful shots to the film.

Focus on the abstract shots and polish them.
If the film is shorter then 1min it doesn’t matter, along with as I have experimental shots to present in my film and on the blog, that’s essential access to the mark.

The soundtrack sounds great, but my tutor advises me to take out the “meow_sound.” as it seemed more sinister and didn’t need it in the soundtrack.

We also discuss using “Track Mattes in photoshop and after effects as this could be an opportunity to learn masking patterns with my rotoscoping animation.

And last the Title for the film, The Cats Touch (working Title) gives to much away and is too precise. So we looked upon how the film represents it sells and how the music makes the audience feel while watching and appreciating the moving animation.
Try different styles of fonts and lookup different meanings of the work INTIMACY.

Change the title sequences to 5sec of the hand wisping away the Title.

Equipment & Test

Production has started for my film, still no title as of yet.

My plan has animated the drawings first by following the animatic then print the pictures out frame by frame and use Pro-makers to colour in the drawings. And re-scan the images and import them to photoshop.

I did a test with the pro-makers to see if this method works. By drawing a circle on the paper and using the MDF, frame guard will help me keep the drawings in the centre and not go over the lines when colouring.

List of Equipment:

  • ColorPrint A4 thick paper.
  • Colour Pro-Markers brushes and pens.
  • Frame guard.
  • Photoshop CS6.
  • Pen and Pencils.