Animatic 6 Feedback

At my four feedback session, I presented my 6th animatic with the drawings and audio well structured. It was time to start animating. I showed my animatic with 3-4 scenes roughly inspired at the beginning to show my tutor the style of film and how it will for the final cut.

Due to take my time on my reflective essay, I was slightly worried about the time I had left to finish the film. But my tutor had some excellent advise oh how I can short the film and methods to use while animating my character walking through the maze. 20secs on animation was lost in the final cut, but I feel this is improved the flow of the film.

The plot, meaning, the mood of the film and animation is all there and looking good, I just needed to finish animating and start editing the audio before the deadline.

Feedback Animatic 3

At my third feedback session, I presented my 3rd animatic of how far the project has developed. I was given a variety of useful feedback and ideas on how I can expand the project even further.
The animatic film had lots of personality with excellent pacing and nicely used metaphors. However, there wasn’t of background noises, and the film needed more pauses.

My tutor suggested I avoid using words on the signposts when the character is trying to finger out witch directions to take. It would be more confusing for the audeineces if it weren’t anywords on the arrows.
I also need to rearrange the order of the audio they suggest I put the sound about the ciruts to the point where the character is growing.

I needed to think about the tone and mood of the film and show it by changing the view of the maze and give the main character more life by showing more emotion and camera angles.

Feedback Animactic 2

At the 2nd feedback session, I had some excellent feedback due to making the changes and taken up on the suggestions from the last feedback.

There were some excellent transitions ideas in this animatic, and the character design is unique. And there are some powerful metaphors the images aren’t exactto words but still useful and understandable.
With some improvements to this but the ending is still insnt solid. I had a to add a final shot for effect of letting the audiences to take effect.

I had a few great suggestions like given the character eyebrows so it could show more emotion to how he’s feeling. And for the scene where the camera zooms into the brain, you could add manners like cogs, wheels and mechanics.

Feedback Animatic 1

In my first feedback session, I had a few mixed reviews, but it helps me to improve and come up with better ideas for the story.
My tutor said I had a strong visual idea and a perfect switching from the 1st person to 3rd person. But unfortunately, the first animatic is too literal my next challenge is to create my next animatic but not follow the audio.

I needed to think about where my character is going to be, what location? I was given a few ideas:
– Climbing up a mountain
– Roller coaster
– Mazes

I need to rethink on how im going to tell the audience about the subject. By doing more interviews, coming up with a location, some metaphor and coming up with a journey that has a beginning, middle and end.

The Interview’s

Interview: ONE – shorted.

With the first interview, I have received some mixed feedback from people in the class. The discussion was very dry and lack of enthusiasm. So I decided to redo the whole interview, I meet up with my friend “Bruce”, showed him the feedback and came up with some ideas on how to improve the recording.

  • Interacting more with the audiences
  • talk about more how he sees the world.
  • What is it like to have dyslexia?
  • What is he experiencing talk about his personality?

This feedback helps me improve my recording by given it more of a documentary feel, then a news interview.