About CarterStudio_Art

Hello, I'm a 2D animator and illustrator, currently studying BA (hon) animation at university 2018-2020. Designing my website on wordpress.com to adverties my artwork, that will be up sometime in the year 2020.


Animatic 3 – Feedback 1/03/20

Tutor: Tess

  • Bring the title over “compliment audio”.
  • In the start of the movie within 3-4 seconds in, then movie title.
  • Be aware of gaps’
    Make the film longer or take out some audio.
  • Interview the voice-over again.
    Take out the word Empowered and replace the phrase Intitled.
  • Delete the cleaning audio.
  • Change the ending sentences or take out, too controversy.
  • Don’t have to give the other side of the opinion, just gives us your view on the issue of the subject, why is it so wrong?
  • Don’t be too extreme.
  • Record your male friends catcalling.
    Beeping, yelling, whistle etc.
  • Show a visual of different spaces. Come up with 3-4 or 5 if you have the time or different location.
  • Be careful within the film language.
  • Make sure the film is subtle.
  • Come up with annoying sounds whiles the character is in the café?
    Use patterns for visual and clever tricks.
  • Watch out for the audio volume when editing.

Advice received from the feedback session is optional to take.

Book Research – Major film project

I went into the library to do some research on animated documentaries. I found this very useful as it has given me some ideas on how my film should look and the different animation methods that filmmakers have done in the past.

Books authors

  • Annabelle Honess Roe
  • Robert Russett
  • Cecile Starr
  • Andy Glynne
  • Judith Kriger
  • Richard Taylor

I would recommend these books to anybody who wants to do an experimental film or documentaries.


Workshop_3 Storyboard Review



During the workshop, I was still struggling with how to present my film in a second animatic as my film is based on real-life footage that’s going to be rotoscoping for the final cut.

After showing my tutor my idea and the direction I want the film to take, he advised me how to create my second animatic without using drawing. He advises me to make a shortlist of live-action for the rotoscoping and try and follow the hitch cock method when it comes to camera shots and angles. Place the live-action footage for the animatic or a still image if theirs no movement you can still put for example the people walking around the shot. The film will be 3-4mins, but the length doesn’t matter its the quality of animation and what you do with it.

Screenshot 2020-02-17 at 14.39.21PIC_4PIC_3


Subject focus: Catcalling

The acts of shouting harassing and often sexually suggestive, threatening, or derisive comments at someone publicly.

Though I seldom witness catcalling or verbal harassment, I’ve come to understand how constant and burdensome it can be for women, especially when the words used are crude, violent, or degrading.

  • Why is it so terrible?
  • Visually explore: how you feel?
  • It is about power not about compliments or picking up women.
  • The voice needs to tell stories about their experience while being catcalled, how did it make them feel? Angry, embarrassed etc.
  • Get the target audiences to feel empathy and make it personal.
  • Idea: interview a male perspective as “the devil argument”.
  • The male perspective could say something like, “oh it’s only a bit of fun between us guys, guy banter.”
  • Catcalling is about “Power” and relations within it.
  • Idea: A women being destroyed by all these unwanted sexual attentions.
  • Is it a form of Bullying and why?

Interview dialogue example:

Based on interviews with a few people about their personal experiences and opinions about these issues of catcalling women in public.

“I was walking into kings’ cross stations, minding my own business when theses group of men started whistling at me like I was a someone’s pet dog! they started shouting inappropriate things to me like ow-ow good looking show us your p*&^%/! I was so embarrassed I started feeling hot under the collar with anger”

While the voice-over is playing in the background, the visual metaphor will take place. Need to find women who have had an issue with catcalling and can tell us about.

Feedback on Animatic 1

Screenshot 2020-02-04 at 13.15.24

During the workshop on 30th Jan, I presented my first animatic about Catcalling women in public places. The presentation went well and had a positive outcome, but my tutor advises me to re-record the voice over again, to make it clear and sound professional and compressed.

I met up with Penelope Konstantara on 3rd Feb and discussed the feedback i received from my tutor. We plan to re-record and the interview and write up a structured script to help us read through the information we want to include in this documentary. The voice-over in the first animatic is a starting point; the narration is out of context and is missing some dialogue. When it comes to the first recording, we want to take both sides of the issues to present an honest and positive outcome for this film.

We plan to start recording on 11th Feb on the main subjects we want to include Social equality and Gender issues.