

Animatic 4-5 – Feedback 14/05/20

Tutor: Ron

The film is coming along very well and is starting to take shape.Key-framer tool would come in handy when animating some scenes in small space of time, for example, the train scene when the camera is tracking going into the doors. The beginning of the film put a blank white shot before animation starts, brings a good pace for the opening.

For the ending, make sure you put a fadeout to the credits and try and space it out as you can. Editing needs to tidy up the audio.

Tutor: Tess

Need to stop animating and focus on the creative narrative and filmmaking, she suggests I step back and have a look at my film and see if I can add two scenes for the café scene and train scene as they seem pointless and this might help come up with an ending of the film. The film was still problematic as I need to come up with two scenes to help solve this problem—there even an absent of theme.

Also, be more creative when it comes to sound, editing is not my strong skill as I only know the basics of premier pro, but I will do my best.

Due to the timing, I only focus on the feedback that I felt was necessary for the film. Advice received from the feedback session is optional to take.

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