Feedback on Animatic 1

Screenshot 2020-02-04 at 13.15.24

During the workshop on 30th Jan, I presented my first animatic about Catcalling women in public places. The presentation went well and had a positive outcome, but my tutor advises me to re-record the voice over again, to make it clear and sound professional and compressed.

I met up with Penelope Konstantara on 3rd Feb and discussed the feedback i received from my tutor. We plan to re-record and the interview and write up a structured script to help us read through the information we want to include in this documentary. The voice-over in the first animatic is a starting point; the narration is out of context and is missing some dialogue. When it comes to the first recording, we want to take both sides of the issues to present an honest and positive outcome for this film.

We plan to start recording on 11th Feb on the main subjects we want to include Social equality and Gender issues.


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