Feedback Animatic 3

At my third feedback session, I presented my 3rd animatic of how far the project has developed. I was given a variety of useful feedback and ideas on how I can expand the project even further.
The animatic film had lots of personality with excellent pacing and nicely used metaphors. However, there wasn’t of background noises, and the film needed more pauses.

My tutor suggested I avoid using words on the signposts when the character is trying to finger out witch directions to take. It would be more confusing for the audeineces if it weren’t anywords on the arrows.
I also need to rearrange the order of the audio they suggest I put the sound about the ciruts to the point where the character is growing.

I needed to think about the tone and mood of the film and show it by changing the view of the maze and give the main character more life by showing more emotion and camera angles.

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