My Dog Tulip 2009

My Dog Tulip is an American Independent Animated feature film, based on J. R. Ackerley’s memoir. In 1956, Ackerley rescued a German Shepherd dog and the two became fast friends .The film was directed and animated by Paul Fierlinger, with the backgrounds painted by his wife Sandra Fierlinger.

Although this film is a Documentary, in order to make it more entertaining for audiences, the film makers include animation and fiction. The film is based on a true story and so the events you see are realistic and targeted at an adult audience.

In the film and the novel,  the dog’s name Queenie has been changed to Tulip. This was changed because of the fear of causing mirth about the author’s sexuality. The film,  portrays the fifteen years Ackerley spent with Queenie as his happiest and the dog as a great companion who eases his loneliness. Although his love for Queenie is truthfully portrayed, the fictional elements of the film include portrayal of  society’s  disdain for the working classes during that period. When Ackerley has to put Queenie down in 1961, he loses interest in life.

I would really recommend this film. The animation by Fierlinger and Christopher Plummer’s narration brings J. R. Ackerley’s story to life. It is a successful construction of reality and fiction and the use of TV Paint and hand drawn elements convey the emotions of the characters very successfully.

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