The Eagleman Stag is a stop motion animated film by Mickey Please. The story is about a man who goes to extreme lengths to counter his accelerating perception of time.The Film won a BAFTA for the Best Short Animation in 2011.

This film contains a dialogue in order to tell the story. The dialogue does support the film though out the story, if this film didn’t have dialogue it wouldn’t make sense to the audiences whats happening on screen. When you watch the film you really have to observe and listen to understand whats happening in each scene.The dialogue also helps the audiences to understand how the character is feeling, and helps you guide through Peter’s imagination from the beginning of his life.

The story does sometimes match the dialogue throughout the film, it explains what the character is feeling and thinking and takes you through the time of his life and rewinds back to the past.
When the characters are talking, Please does not illustrate what they are talking about, for example, the scene when Peter is talking to Phillip over a drink, “The entire world is defined by context, even the way we are passing through time, every second is smaller.”
He spills the pint on the table and when his friend Phillip replies to him, he shows him a book while saying, “Got some beer in your beard”. And then it cuts to the next scene.

Despite the dialogue i really hard to understand, I really enjoyed the animation and the creativity with it. You can tell Please put a lot of hard work and imagination to his film, and i can see why this film won a BAFTA for best short.

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